My name is James (Jim) Ridley, and I am a senior lecturer in nurse education specialising in supporting people with a learning disability. You may have noticed that I started with my name and told you my preference of name, that is an important part of who I am, who I feel I am, and who I want you to see me as. How does this relate to Oliver and “Oliver’s Story”, well for me it’s about recognition, it’s about seeing me as a human being, who can make choices, have preferences and tell you what they are.
I am a proud supporter of Oliver’s story and Paula and Tom’s campaign to ensure that all staff who are working with people with a learning disability and/or Autism receive the opportunity to be supported, cared for, and listened too by people who understand how important that is! I have devoted myself professionally to the needs of people who’s lived experiences may be the same as Oliver’s, but also different and I respect their individuality. This campaign, in my opinion, supports us all to see that as “People” we are different, we have differing views, opinions, choices, but we should all be respected.
I will continue to support “Oliver’s Story” in whatever way that I can, I know I will never meet Oliver but if his story supports me to show others how to support people with a learning disability and/or Autism then I will proudly remember him and recognise his legacy.